What is your background and areas of interest?
I am German by birth and speak German, English, Spanish, French, and am beginning my Italian language learning journey. Speaking of languages: I am the language coordinator for the Department of German and Scandinavian where I train the GEs in language teaching. I also am the director of undergraduate studies in the department and I direct the Global Engagement Academic Residential Community in Global Scholars Hall, where I was faculty in residence from 2018 to 2023.
What brought you to the University of Oregon?
Love, literally. I met my husband in Germany (thirty years ago) and decided to relocate to Oregon where he was from.
How did you get involved with your field?
I love languages and language study. I have been involved in undergraduate residential education for almost 30 years. Of course, there is a philosophical dimension to how I came to study and teach languages and literature, but come to my office hours, we’ll have a cup of coffee or tea and I can tell you more about my journey and how it might relate (or not) to yours!
What is the best advice you have for a college student?
Stay calm and travel on . . . our world is crazy. But things happen and everything will work out. Hurdles are only there to be overcome and I will help you with that.
How can students contact you?
Email me at matvogel@uoregon.edu or by phone via Teams.