Areas of tutoring expertise:
Biology, neuroscience, behavior
What brought you to the University of Oregon?
Research in auditory neuroscience! I wanted to work on hearing, and really liked the work going on in the Takahashi lab here at the Institute of Neuroscience.
How did you get involved in your field?
I have a degree in microbiology, but got really interested in animal behavior, especially in figuring out how neuronal activity relates to changes in animal behavior. I also realized—thankfully very early—that I was interested in learning about most things, and that almost anything is interesting once you know the details of how it works. Research can be a very difficult life if one isn’t excited by learning about new things every day.
What’s the best advice you have for a college student?
Grades and performance is important, but an undergraduate degree is a great opportunity to learn and grow. Take classes in logic and philosophy, which will teach you how to vew the world logically, and some classes in science, which may help you view the world more objectively. Classes that teach you about the foundations of your discipline will also serve you well.
How can students contact you?
Email is usually best, but I will also try to have regular visiting hours at Carson Hall.