In University Housing and at the UO, we know how important your student is to you. We invite you to partner with us to support your student as they live on campus.
Housing Blog Parent and Family Programs
Important Dates for 2024–25
July 31: Last day to submit exemption request for the 2024-25 academic year.
September 26–27: Fall move-in. Each student will be assigned a move-in date and time by early September.
September 30: Classes begin.
December 13: Residence halls close for fall term at noon. Students may leave personal items in the room.
January 5: Winter move-in.
March 22–30: Spring break.
March 30: Spring move-in.
June 13: Residence halls close. Students must move out of the residence halls within 24 hours after their last final, or by noon, whichever occurs first.
UO Parent and Family Resources
Privacy Policy
The University of Oregon is committed to the privacy security of our students. Once a student has reached age 18 or is attending the university, all FERPA rights (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) belong to the student. Parent access to education records (including grades and accounts) is limited to information classified as Directory Information under the University of Oregon Student Records Policy.
We know that parents and families often contribute to their student’s success at the UO and strive to provide as much information as we can to support our students.
Parents are encouraged to read the privacy policy information provided for students.