Resident Assistants FAQ


What is the timeline for the New RA hiring process?

December 20: Application opens
January 20, noon: Application closes (late applications will not be accepted)
January 31: Applicants are offered interviews or informed they have not been selected to move forward
January 31–February 5: Applicants are scheduled for interviews
February 7, 10, 11, 12: Interviews
March 22: Applicants receive one of three notices (offered a placement for next year, offered a spot on the alternate list, not offered a position or spot on the alternate list)
March 30: Deadline to accept or decline offers

What is the timeline for Returning RA hiring process?

December 20: Application opens
January 20, noon: Application closes (late applications will not be accepted)
February 3: Returners are notified if they are being offered a spot to return next year (does not include placement)
March 22: Placement notifications sent out
March 30: Deadline to accept or decline offers

Why does the hiring process take so long?

  • We run two separate hiring processes simultaneously. One for current RAs who are looking to reapply and one for new RA applications.
  • We are a small team and receive hundreds of applications and conduct hundreds of interviews. We diligently go through each application and interview notes. This takes a lot of time for each hiring supervisor to review the full candidate pool to ensure each candidate gets equal consideration for the role.



When does the application open and close?

The application will open December 20 and close January 20 at noon.

Something came up and I missed the application deadline. Can I submit a late application?

No. We are unable to accept late applications.

Can I use AI to write my application essays?

No. Artificial intelligence or AI assistants are not permitted to help write or review your essay questions in any way. Any candidate found to have used AI to write, review, or assist with their essays will be disqualified and be ineligible for the RA role.



How should I prepare for my New RA interview? 

All candidates are strongly encouraged to use the University Career Center to prepare for their interview. 

If I am offered an interview, how do I schedule?

Candidates will be offered an interview via email from All candidates will receive one initial email and one reminder email to schedule their interview. If a candidate does not schedule their interview by the deadline (February 5), they will be removed from the selection process.

Is there a dress code for interviews?

No, there is no dress code. Each candidate should prepare and dress for their interview in whichever way makes them feel comfortable, confident, and prepared. 

What is the interview like? 

Each interview will be led by a full-time staff member from University Housing and one current resident assistant. The interview takes an average of 20–45 minutes. 

Where will the interviews be held? 

The interviews will be held on the UO campus, the exact location is TBD.

Is there a virtual option for interviews or are they all in-person?

Virtual interviews are only offered for candidates that are studying abroad or currently not attending UO and are looking to transfer.


Alternate Pool

What does it mean to be in the alternate pool? 

We have more qualified applicants interested in the RA role than we have openings. Being offered a spot in the alternate pool means we believe you have the ability to be an RA, and if a spot opens up in the future, you would be considered to fill that vacancy. 

Applicants who accept a spot in the alternate pool select when they would like to be automatically removed from the alternate pool (monthly options or remain on indefinitely). 

Why would an alternate wish to be automatically removed from the list? What about indefinitely? 

Most candidates select a monthly option if they would like to wait a bit longer for an offer before signing a lease off campus. Alternates select their month to be removed that aligns with their personal circumstances of when they need to sign up for housing next year. 

Candidates who choose to remain on indefinitely are either planning to live on campus next year or have identified flexible housing arrangements. 

Does the alternate list guarantee I will get offered an RA job in the future? 

No, we unfortunately cannot guarantee you will be offered a spot in the future. The number of vacancies that occur over the summer and academic year vary from year to year. 

Can I know where my ranking is on the alternate list? 

We do not use rankings on the alternate list. When a vacancy occurs, the supervisor for that community looks at the team dynamics and the skills and experiences of the alternates and selects one that meets those variables.


Housing Registration and Building Placement

Do I get to pick what building I will be placed in? Or tell you my preference?

No. We place you where we think your skills could best be used and after considering the overall team dynamic for each building. 

If an RA needs a specific room type/location/amenity due to a disability under the ADA, they can request that through workplace ADA.

Should I register to live on-campus for next year regardless of whether I get the RA role? 

Yes. The sooner you do this the better as room selection is based on when you submitted your application. This will allow you to still request to live on campus in the event you are not selected to be an RA or are placed on the alternate list. 

If I am only going to live on campus next year if I get the RA role, should I submit a housing registration? 

If you will only live on campus if you become an RA, we recommend you wait to submit registration until you receive an offer. We allow RAs who have received an offer to register for housing, even if the registration process has closed. 

What happens if I applied to live on campus next year but no longer want to because I did not get the RA role? 

Please see the FAQ directly above for our recommendation on this scenario.

Anybody who wants to cancel their housing application can do so via the My Housing portal. Please read your application carefully for cancellation deadlines and any fees that may be incurred. 

If I become an RA, do I still have to pay the housing application fees and deposit? 

No, these fees will be waived or refunded once you become an RA.